The highest record salary for administrators at the elementary level is $185,210 (New Canaan).
78 districts in Connecticut offer a stipend to administrators with a doctorate degree (60% of districts).
On average, a Connecticut administrator receives 4 personal days, ranging from 1 (Bridgeport, Guilford) to 28 days per year (Stonington).
The total number of administrators in the state is about 1,811 (FTE count).
Administrators can take vacation leave during the school year in 30 (23%) districts.
The lowest recorded salary for administrators at the elementary level is $70,282 (East Haddam).
Seniority is a primary factor in reductions in force procedures for administrators in 53 (41%) districts.
There is an early retirement incentive in 39 (30%) districts.
The highest recorded salary for administrators at the secondary level is $187,089 (Darien).
Reductions in force procedures for administrators typically include factors like certification, qualifications, and length of service in the district.
22 districts offer a sick leave bank option.
In Connecticut, 39 districts provide an early retirement incentive.
In Connecticut, evaluations are a factor for involuntary transfer decisions in 26 districts.
Some type of performance pay is available in only 17 districts (13% of districts).
Tuition reimbursement is available in 88 districts (68% of districts).
4 administrator collective bargaining agreements do not include reductions in force procedures for administrators (Canterbury, Preston, Region 19, and Woodbridge).
The average percentage that administrators contribute to their health insurance is 18%, ranging from 6% (Marlborough) to 25% (Bridgeport) of premium costs.
87 districts (67%) provide some type of long-term disability insurance.
The average difference between an administrator’s minimum and maximum salary is $34,309.
130 districts in Connecticut have collective bargaining agreements for administrators.
The average maximum salary for an administrator is $144,320.
On average, the maximum number of sick days that an administrator can carry is 213.
On average, a Connecticut administrator receives 18 sick days, ranging from 15 (30 districts) to 25 per year (Plainfield, Rocky Hill).
The lowest recorded salary for administrators at the secondary level is $73,800 (Derby).
51 contracts were updated for the 2014-2015 year.
The average number of salary scale categories is 7.
Compensated professional development days are available in 96 districts (75% of districts).
Some type of longevity pay is available in 54 districts (42% of districts).
The average minimum salary for an administrator is $110,064.
All districts that report health benefits provide some type of life insurance option for their administrators.
In Connecticut, administrators have recall rights for an average of 2 years.
26 districts in Connecticut withhold salary increments for unsatisfactory performance.
15 districts in Connecticut have a salary step freeze in the 2014-2015 school year.
38 districts (29%) include performance or evaluations in reductions in force procedures.
In Connecticut, evaluations are a primary factor in 21 districts.
Seniority is the only factor in reductions in force procedures for administrators in 13 (10%) districts.
Seniority is a factor in reductions in force procedures for administrators in 107 (82%) districts.
58 (45%) districts provide a payout for retirement.