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New Canaan (more info) Similar Districts: Darien, Wilton, Ridgefield Surrounding Towns: Wilton, Norwalk, StamfordClick here for our methodology |
Ridgefield (more info) Similar Districts: Darien, Westport, Wilton Surrounding Towns: New Canaan, Wilton, DanburyClick here for our methodology |
Westport (more info) Similar Districts: Ridgefield, Darien, Newtown Surrounding Towns: Fairfield, Weston, NorwalkClick here for our methodology |
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How long is the administrator work year?
Total number of days most administrators are required to work each school year
223 days or fewer; varies by position
(more info) 12 months positions consist of 223 days; some positions are only 11 or 10 months
(more info) Board reserves the right to change number of days year to year (and will negotiate salary accordingly)
12 months
261 days or fewer; varies by position
(more info) Ranges from 198 to 261 days depending on position
If yes, how much is the retirement payout?
This question summarizes the benefits that administrators receive if there is a payout separate from sick leave.
$3,500 annually
(more info) With 55 years of service, up to 3 years of payment ($10,500 total)
If yes, what are the conditions of those incentives?
This is a summary of the requirements for receiving any incentives for advanced notice of retirement or for early retirement. This often includes a date by which administrators must give notice of their retirement.
Contract Citations
How Many Schools Are In The District?
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
How Many Administrators Are in the District (Total)?
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
How Many Administrators Are in the District (FTE Count)?
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
CSDE, 2012-2013 Count of Staff,
How Many Students Are in the District?
CSDE, 2014-2015 Public District Enrollment Data,
CSDE, 2014-2015 Public District Enrollment Data,
CSDE, 2014-2015 Public District Enrollment Data,
CSDE, 2014-2015 Public District Enrollment Data,
What Grades Does the District Serve?
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
CT Open Data, Education Directory,
Basic Information
Preamble, Art. 13, Appendix 1
Art. 1, Art. 7, Art. 15
Preamble, Art. 16, Appendix A
Art. 1, Art. 2, Schedule A
Administrator Work Year
Art. 3
Art. 7
Art. 4
Schedule A
Art. 4, Appendix 1
Art. 7
Appendix A
Schedule A
Can an Administrators Salary Increase Be Withheld for Unsatisfactory Performance and/or a Negative Evaluation?
Art. 4
Appendix A
Does the District Provide Some Type of Performance or Incentive-Based Pay?
Can an Administrator Earn Additional Pay by Working in a School or Position Classified as "High-Needs" or "Hard to Staff"?
If The District Provides Longevity Payments What is the Amount?
Art. 7
Art. 14
If the District Provides Tuition Reimbursement How Much Do They Provide?
Art. 5
Art. 13
Art. 8
Sick Days Section Citation
Art. 7
Art. 15
Art. 11
Art. 4
At What Rate Are Accumulated Sick Days Paid Out Upon Retirement?
Art. 12
Does the District Offer a Sick Leave Bank Option?
Personal Days Section Citaton
Art. 7
Art. 15
Art. 11
Vacation Days Section Citaton
Art. 3
Art. 11
Art. 7
Professional Days Section Citaton
Art. 7
Art. 14
Art. 11
Art. 8
What Are the Other Types of Leave Available?
Art. 7
Art. 15
Art. 11
Art. 12
Active Insurance Section Citation
Art. 5
Art. 9, Appendix A
Art. 15
Art. 3
Retired Insurance Section Citation
Art. 9
Art. 15
Layoff & Transfer Procedures
Art. 6, Art. 8
Art. 6
Art. 8
Art. 15
Transfer Section Contract Citation
Art. 6
Art. 6
Art. 15
Retirement Payout
Art. 11
Advanced Notice Payout Section Contract Citation
Surrounding Towns: Stamford, Norwalk, New CanaanClick here for our methodology